What Is the Most Difficult Sushi to Eat?

I was recently asked this question. Personally, I might have to go with the futomaki, which translates literally as “fat roll.” Most of the oversized sushi rolls that we eat in America were invented right here in the States. Typically, traditional Japanese sushi is made small. But the futomaki is an exception. It’s usually overstuffed with…

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Size Matters

By Trevor Corson When it comes to the size of your sushi, believe it or not, a sushi chef is supposed to be like a good tailor. If you’re not getting a custom fit, you’re not getting good service. A friend of mine recently visited an American sushi restaurant he’d loved in the past. The…

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Why Pickled Ginger Is Like Ice Cream

That mound of pinkish pickled ginger on the plate next to your sushi isn’t an appetizer, nor is it a garnish to be added to the sushi. Believe it or not, it’s more like a serving of ice cream. But it’s not dessert, either. It has a much more specific purpose. In the traditional style…

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The Truth About Chopsticks

Last night I hosted a Sushi Concierge dinner for a family of four, including a young man who was 12 years old. He turned out to be quite the gourmand, keen on the very traditional types of sushi we tried. But he hadn’t yet completely mastered chopsticks. When we started the meal he was worried…

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Soy Sauce: Yes or No?

There are many things we Westerners don’t know about eating sushi, chief among them the fact that plain old soy sauce is actually not a very good match for most raw fish. Indeed, at a really good sushi bar, it’s often best not to use soy sauce at all. As I explained at a Sushi…

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