How Fish Cheese Can Solve Our Carp Problem

The New York Times reports that Asian carp – “a mammoth, voracious, non-native conqueror among fish” – are invading and conquering the Mississippi river system and now the Great Lakes.

Funny, just like how sushi conquered the Midwest.

So I have a solution. Make the carp into sushi. Freshwater carp sushi is the original form of sushi in Japan. You can still get it in the area near Kyoto, around Lake Biwa. It’s called funazushi, and it’s made by fermenting the fish in rice in wooden vats for months, until the rice is nearly rotten and the fish tastes like a fish version of stinky French cheese.

Time to wake up America, and save our rivers and lakes by learning to love real sushi. Haven’t we all had enough California rolls by now?

Top photo from New York Times, by Marlin Levison/Star Tribune, via Associated Press. Bottom photo from Lake Biwa Tourism Association.